Home for Life Design®
Home Safety Assessment Solution
Say Goodbye to Checklists
Say HELLO to Accessibility Ratings™
Our innovative home assessment measures the safety & accessibility of living environments while providing recommendations that prolong independent living, and maximize the health of homes and communities.
Home for Life Design®
The industry's first data-driven, home safety & environmental assessment solution for professionals serving the world's aging & disabled populations.
Annotate, Store & Track
Important Home Assessment Data
EASY Online Application,
Standardized Assessment Process
Home for Life Design®
Experience the NEW industry standard metric for organizations and professionals who provide in-home safety & independent living services among patients, consumers, and communities.
Accessibility Ratings™ measure the safety and capability of home environments to enable a person to perform any desired activity of daily living (ADLs) that foster & prolong independent living in their own home.

Data-Driven, Client Centric Approach
Accessibility Ratings™ are captured by observing activities of daily living. To determine the level of accessibility, users assess each activity & identify the environmental barriers that compromise function and independence.
​Accessibility Ratings™ are EXCLUSIVE to Home for Life Design's software solution.



Access 24/7, On Any Device
Easy, One-Click Home Safety Summary Reports

Generate Reports in One-Click